Thursday, January 9, 2014

What Is Brain Balance?

The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Approach

Brain BalanceTM Achievement Centers offer a cutting-edge, drug-free approach to help children improve their ability to learn academically, socially and emotionally.
We don’t just work with your child’s strengths or compensate for a weakness.  We tackle your child’s issue head on, by addressing the root cause at the most fundamental level.  The Brain Balance Program® integrates three key pillars of brain development – sensory motor exercises, cognitive activities and nutritional guidance – to address the root cause of most learning and developmental issues.  The unique integrated approach is what makes Brain Balance different and so effective.

And I just love their motto:
We believe that within every child resides…
The Body of an Olympic Athlete,
The Brain of a Scientist,
The Mind of a Poet,
The Hands of an Artist,
The Ear of a Composer,
The Heart of a Saint…

Never stop believing that your child has Unlimited Potential!
Taken from their website

What does all of that mean? 
As you know we all have a dominant hemisphere.  What happens in children like Drew is that one side has “taken over” and the other side is weak.  This is bad.  When we had Drew’s assessment done in July we were told that his delay was in his right hemisphere and that is was severe.  The other thing that we learned is that we are all born with 8 primitive reflexes to help us survive.  Those reflexes are supposed to develop and then “drop off” (have a score of 0) before the age of 2.  Drew only has 2 of the 8 that have a score of 0.  Two of them have a score of 1, one has a score of 3, and 3 have a score of 4. Clear as mud?  What this means is that we need to develop those reflexes so they will drop to a 0.  This is where Brain Balance comes in.  We will have a program written just for Drew with exercises specific to his delays.  In addition to the exercises, he will have a blood/urine analysis done to test for food allergies and/or sensitivities and any vitamin/mineral deficiencies/high levels.  We will then be given a nutrition program for him to follow based on those results.  We will be going for his blood draw and our enrollment meeting on Friday.

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