Wednesday, July 9, 2014

When Things Don't Go As Planned

Today was a much better day than yesterday.  Drew was really funny and very talkative.  We went to the "T church" playground before BB, went to the bowling alley, swimming and did BB exercises. 

Our Wednesday routine for the past couple of weeks has been to go to BB and then go bowling.  When we went today someone had all of the lanes booked until 5:45.  The bowling alley sent out an email for a $5 gift card to the arcade.  Since we couldn't bowl we decided to let the kids play a few video games.  Last week Amanda won gift cards at a street fair and we let the kids play a few games after we bowled, we got our wings and we left.  Well, that transition didn't go so hot today.  When it was time to leave Drew had a MAJOR meltdown.  It was awful!!  He was kicking the window in Amanda's car and screaming.  I remembered Jessica telling me to have him jump on the trampoline for 30 seconds without stopping when he was having an episode.  So I took him out of the car every time he made a bad choice and made him jump up and down in place for 30 seconds.  We had to do this 3 or 4 times.  The girls went back inside the bowling alley to order wings while I tried to calm him down.  I also had him wearing his eyelights.  These are glasses that look a little like a cross between Oakley's and safety glasses.  They are tinted purple and have little red lights that blink on the left side of each eye.  I finally got him calmed down.  I have no idea how long this went on but it seemed like forever.  So if you see a video surveillance on the news of a lady making her kid jump and down in the parking lot beside a SUV you will know why.  I think the reason he had a meltdown today and not last week when it was time to leave is because we didn't bowl and that was a change to our normal routine.  Then he crashed on the way home.

Bullets from today:
  • This morning Drew and Abby were playing with pool noodles, or swords according to Drew.  They were taking a break and he says to Abby "Let's play 2 swords so I can finish you!"
  • At the playground he hit his head on a board .  He turned around and hit the board with his hand.  This may not seem like a big deal but he was showing anger towards the board for hurting him. 
  • He also climbed up one of those twisted tube slides from the bottom up to the top.  He's never been able to climb more than a couple of feet.
  • When I told him it was time to leave the playground he says "How could you do this to me?"
  • At the bowling alley I took him to the bathroom and while he was on the potty he points at me and says "No washing hands.  Go back and play game."
  • After dinner, Drew comes out of the bathroom wearing his bathing suit and says "Tada!" and goes and grabs his goggles.
  • He asked me for the blue pool noodle and I asked him what he wanted it for and he said "Play with some kids."
  • He looked at me and said "I can't see my goggles."  His goggles kept fogging up.
  • He did his metronome exercises wearing my green cleaning gloves.  I'm sure he thought he was the green power ranger.
I have to say other than the meltdown, today was a great day!  


  1. I love this child and family!

  2. I'm bound and determined to beat ya in bowling... Next time no bumpers. ;-)
