Tuesday, June 9, 2015

On the down hill side of the climb (this one anyway)

We are finishing week 9 this week which means we only have 4 weeks left!!  Did you hear me squeal?  As my sweet friend said, we are down to counting on one hand!!  So it looks like I will blog about every 4 weeks.  I don't know how people blog for a living.  My son is going through some of the most crucial times of his development and I can't find the words to write about it. 

Matt and I felt like we weren't seeing the same dramatic changes this year that we did last.  I took our concerns to Dr. Pete and Jessica and they listened.  Dr. Pete explained that Drew's right hemisphere was so underdeveloped you could drive a mack truck through there and see results.  This year we are getting into deeper pathways and connections and that things we think are no big deal really are or that we don't even recognize some changes. After an almost hour long discussion we agreed that Drew would probably benefit from more intense therapy so they have been challenging him more than ever!  And he is responding very well!  I love that I can go to them and voice my concerns and have them respond with a solution rather than brushing me off and saying that they are doing every thing they can.  We have been in the BB program for a year and a half with 6 of those months in the center 4 times a week.  I have become attached to the people there and know without a doubt that they are doing everything they can to help my sweet angel!  Dr. Pete has been in the center more this year and I love talking to him about the brain (especially Drew's).  I love that him and the staff at Roswell are so passionate about what they do.  I wish I could put them in my back pocket so they could help him every minute of every day!!

The past two weeks Drew has gotten 3 stars!!  2 of those were in one week!

I was finally able to get him into swimming lessons.  He loves the pool so much!  Today was his second lesson.  He swam the length (mostly) of a 50 meter pool and back.  The first video is from his first lesson and the second one is one of the first  times he jumped in without having to hold someones hand when we were swimming at Taylor's last weekend.

This picture kills me!  He looks so big and like a normal kid!  For some reason he's decided that he wants to wear his Monsters University hat all the time.  He had it on backwards but then turned it around before we went into the hotel. 

He sings all the time now.  And not just songs from movies.  He sings along with the radio sometimes too. It's kind of funny he will say "you're listening to the Message on Sirius XM."

Matt is home being Mr. Mom with Abby.   It's been really tough for him to try to juggle getting her to swimming, volleyball, church and still work full time and take care of the farm.  Most nights they don't get to sit down until 10pm.  He's had to use some of his vacation time but we agreed that it wasn't fair for Abby to give up another summer.  Besides she made the high school (gulp, did I just say high school?!) volleyball team and practices started June 1st.  She would not have been able to try out if she was down here with me.  So now she is participating in both of the sports she loves and working hard at both of them.  I am so proud of her!

I feel like all of these posts sound the same...like a broken record of gibberish!

One thing I know for sure is that this summer has renewed my resolve to bring a Brain Balance Center to Knoxville!!  We can't continue to do this every summer (not only financially but emotionally too) and I know that Drew will need to be in the program for a while! 

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Thank you for taking the time to read about Drew and his journey.  Please continue to pray for our family.

Until next time,

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