Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Sister Edition

I know that this blog is about Drew and his progress with Brain Balance.  But I feel like I should give a little shout out to his sisters!  Recently, Taylor set up a Go Fund Me page to help cover the costs of Brain Balance and all that goes along with it.  What she wrote in the description for the fund really melted my heart.  She loves her brother so much!

I know that most people are probably thinking $5,000???  Trust me when I tell you that it costs us so much more than that!  While raising any amount of money would be so tremendously helpful, it is not necessary and we will make it no matter what! 
Taylor and Drew at Easter this year 

Abby is in 8th grade this year (eeeks!)  I made it home from GA last week in time to catch her last home volleyball game that was also 8th grade night.  I think she was happy that we made it!

8th Grade night at Volleyball.  So proud of how far she has come on the court this year!
She isn't going to come down here with us this year.  Matt and I didn't want her to lose another summer.  She is going to try out for the HS Volleyball team in May and they practice during the summer and she wants to swim summer league.  She really missed it last year. This girl adores her brother and I'm sure she will miss him!
Abby and Drew at Easter this year
As for us, we are just about through another week!  We will head home after his session tomorrow.  This week seems to have gone by a little faster than last week.  We did the usual stuff...Monkey Joe's, the indoor play place, 3 different playgrounds and Brain Balance!

I'm going to wrap it up because it's late and Drew woke up at 4 am this morning!  And since we are in one room that means I woke up at 4 am this morning!  :-/

I would love to hear from you.  Also, if you would like to receive notification when there is a new blog post you can sign up to receive an e-mail in the little box in the top right!  :-)

Until next time,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Round 2 in GA

I guess it's time to start blogging again.  Truthfully, I never should have stopped.  Drew and I have started our GA journey again for the summer.  This year we started a little earlier so that we have some summer left when we are done and we will be traveling Monday thru Thursday also giving us a little more time at home.  We are staying in an Extended Stay hotel studio this year instead of getting an apartment since it's only 3 nights.  When you say it, it doesn't sound like a long time but I'm here to tell you it feels like we've been here forever!  We have our first week under our belts now.  He has done great getting back into the routine of being at the center.  Even got his first star already.

It's been a challenge keeping him busy in the mornings.  He has been waking up around 5:30.  His sessions aren't until 2:00 on Monday and Wednesday and 1:00 on Tuesday and Thursday.  We have been to Monkey Joe's twice and went to a place that sells playground equipment. They have a showroom with a ton of play sets and a couple trampolines set up and have free open play on Wednesdays and Fridays.  We went yesterday and spent almost 3 hours there!  From there we went to BB and then to Monkey Joe's where we stayed for almost 3 hours.  6 hours of continuous play and 1 hour of therapy and you would think he would sleep in...not a chance!!

After BB today we will go home and make it just in time to catch 8th grade recognition at Abby's volleyball game!

A whole lot has happened since I last blogged on July 19th...what??  Next week I'll try to give a quick update on the past 9 months!  That should be fun for you!  :-)

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and prayers. 

Until next time,