Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Keepin' It Real

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns…

I want this blog to be a real documentation of Drew’s journey.  He is going to have good times and bad times.  Up until now, we have seen nothing but progress.  The past couple of days have been pretty tough.  Let me back track a little, while we were at the beach we got really lax about his screen time.  As his mother, I should have been more diligent about limiting him.  We had been doing the program for 7 weeks and I just needed some down time.  That was a huge mistake on my part.  If there was ever any doubt that screen time affects my son that is gone now.  I know everyone needs a break now and then but not at the expense of my sweet boy.  I should have found a happy medium.  But it was a lesson that I had to learn the hard way and it breaks my heart. 

When we got back from vacation he did not want to cooperate on anything!  He cried the whole time we did exercises, he kept asking for all of his electronics, etc.  Then when I picked him up from school yesterday Smurfann said he could not focus at all.  She said that he wouldn’t look at her, wouldn’t answer questions, had trouble with transitioning, would run from her and scripted all day!  These are all behaviors we saw before the program.  After we started the program he was very attentive and would answer her questions to the best of his ability.  I know she felt bad telling me this but I’m so glad she did.  It just reaffirms that Brain Balance really does work and that limiting his screen time is vital!  She said I never would have believed that screen time really made that much of a difference until I saw it.  

Yesterday, I made sure that he got his 30 minutes and not a minute more!  This morning, he was so sweet and in such a good mood.  He listened to his music, let me brush him and did his smell therapy with no whining or crying.  He was acting more like the new Drew on Brain Balance.  I was so worried I had undone all the progress we made in the 7 weeks in less than a week.  But Brain Balance tells you that you can’t undo the changes you make to the brain.  After the morning we had, I believe that.  And I’m so thankful!  I’m really curious to see what kind of day he has at school.  I’ll let you know!

Until next time…

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