Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

We’ve been on this BB journey for 5 weeks now.  I’m going to post about this past week in just a minute but I want to post about tonight first.  Can I just tell you that this little boy melts me to the very depths of my soul?  I had big plans to make a special dinner for the family with steak, shrimp, asparagus and paleo desserts.  Unfortunately, a sinus infection got the better of me today and Abby is staying at a friends.  So instead of having a nice healthy dinner, I asked Matt to pick something up.  So, we sit down to eat our non-compliant dinner and Matt asked Drew if he wanted to say the prayer and he said yes.  He bows his head and says “God is great, God is good, Let us thank him for our food, Amen”…SAY WHAT?!  On the rare occasion that he does say the blessing he usually says “bless food, Amen”.  THEN...Matt is eating his Italian Cheese-steak and Drew says “my sandwich”.  So Matt gives him a bite and he liked it!!!  And wanted more!  So Matt cut off a piece for him and scraped off the cheese (he’s been dairy free for a week).  The sandwich had green pepper, onion and mushroom on it!  All I can say is WOW!!  He has never done anything like that before!  This has to be the best Valentine’s ever!!  (sorry, honey).

Now for the past week…last Friday Smurfann brings Drew up to me at the end of school with a list of things he did that day. 

  • He walked into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) which is a class he goes to with his inclusion class and says “Good Morning, Ashley”.  The little girl looks at Smurfann and says I didn’t even know he knew my name. 

  • One of the boys in his class got under the table, and he said “Tony, what are you doing?”
  •  Then at lunch he ate steamed broccoli dipped in Ranch dressing!  BROCCOLI!!!!

  •  At lunch he asked her to smell the pineapple and she said why do I need to smell it and he said just smell the pineapple!!

  •  Saturday I made chicken in the crockpot with brown rice.  He ate everything.  This kid never ate meat unless it was in the shape of a nugget or a hot dog. 

  • He started eating peanut butter and jelly (organic) on gluten free bread for lunch.  He never ate sandwiches before.

  • He ate scrambled eggs one morning.
  • Saturday we went to the Farmer’s Market downtown with Taylor, my mom, my cousin and the kids.  My mom’s cheeks were flushed and Drew touched one of her cheeks and said “What is that?”

  • Yesterday (2/13) we woke up to 7” of snow!  The kids and I went outside to play in it and Drew was totally loving it!! 

Drew is still doing awesome with his exercises and gets stronger with his core exercises every day! 

I wanted to let everyone know how much we appreciate all of the support and well wishes.  My goal is to try to update once a week at a minimum.  Wish me luck!

Until next time…

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