Thursday, February 6, 2014

I wasn't expecting this...

Today Drew and I went down to Atlanta for a check in with his coach, Jessica, and to get the results from his blood work that he had done a couple of weeks ago.  I’m going to start with the blood work since that is the inspiration for the title.  The lab test he had done is called a TRIAD profile.  The urine portion tests nutrient markers, cell regulation markers, toxicants/detoxification and compounds of bacterial or yeast/fungal origin.  The plasma portion tests essential amino acids and 5 different functional categories and the blood portion tests food sensitivities.  His urine showed that he is low in B vitamins and high in sulfate.  The plasma shows quite a deficiency in amino acids.  So for all of that he has to take a plethora of vitamins and supplements twice a day.  In the morning on an empty stomach he has to take base amino acids, branched chain amino acids, probiotics, glycine and N-Acyticysteine (another amino acid).  He can’t eat for 30 minutes.  Then with breakfast he has to take liquid vitamins, minerals, B complex liquid, fish oil and hemp protein powder (because he eats NO protein).  He has to repeat the amino acids, probiotics and glycine in the afternoon.

And here’s the one I was not expecting…his blood work shows that he has NO food sensitivities!!  Well, 2 (sunflower and zucchini) but they were so mild that the nutritionist said they weren’t anything to worry about.  The 2 main foods that they tell you to eliminate before you even get the results back are gluten (found in grains) and casein (found in dairy products).  On the classification scale 0-40 is negative meaning no sensitivity and class 1 is 41-80.  In grains his highest marker was 13 and his casein marker was <10!  What does all of this mean?  First thing is that I had myself in a tizzy for weeks worrying about this for nothing and second is that we don’t really have to avoid any foods.  He wants us to eliminate dairy for 2 weeks and see if we notice any changes in behavior or focus and if we don’t notice any changes then dairy is not off limits.  Then he wants us to do the same with gluten for one month and if there are no changes there is really no reason to avoid gluten either.  Matt and I will decide at the end of the month whether to re-introduce gluten or not.  Basically we have decided as a family that we will eliminate all refined grains and sugars, all corn byproducts (98% of which are GMO), especially high fructose corn syrup, soy (all GMO), MSG, artificial sweeteners, flavorings, colors and all genetically modified foods and we will start buying the “dirty dozen” fruits in organic.  Our meats and dairy will also be switched to organic. Now I wish I had done the nutrition post earlier so some of this made sense.  Hopefully I didn’t make your head spin like mine has been for the last 2 weeks. 

Now for his check in with Coach Jessica.  She watched Drew do some of his home exercises to see how he was progressing.  If you remember from one of the first posts, I told you that we are born with 8 primitive reflexes that go “dormant” by the time we are 2 and that Drew only had 2 of the 8 that had done that.  Well, he has dropped 2 more and is really close to dropping another 2!!  So she took out 2 of his primitive reflex exercises.  However, we added 3 core exercises.  She also took out one of his eye exercises but added a new one. 

I have to tell you that during the ride to Atlanta and back Drew was a ROCK STAR!!  I didn’t let him watch the DVD player in the car at all.  He asked once on the way down and once on the way back and that’s it!!  He is so awesome!  6 hours in the car with no whining!!  However, I did hear “Where are we going?” every 5 minutes.  He’s a little leary of long car rides because it usually means we are going somewhere for him to get poked and prodded. 
Well, it’s getting late and I’m exhausted from the day.  Why does driving make you so worn out??

Good night!

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