Wednesday, February 5, 2014

He ate what?

Just a quick update...the first of what will hopefully be many "he ate what" updates.  When I picked Drew up from school yesterday his totally awesome aid "Smurfann" (her name is Ruthann but Drew re-named her a couple of a years ago) told me that he ate baby carrots at lunch!!!  I don't think he's eaten a carrot since baby food!  I subbed at school this morning and when I went to say bye before I left she told me that in the lunch line today at school instead of curling his nose up and saying no he said yes when they asked him if he wanted a whole wheat bread stick (which is totally illegal but we've given ourselves a Feb. 10 target date to get rid of all the illegal stuff) and then actually took a bite!!  I can't wait until he starts saying yes to the legal foods. 

Tomorrow we head to Atlanta for his 4 week progress check-in and nutrition results.  If I'm not to worn out from the drive, I will update tomorrow night.  Please keep us in your prayers for safe travel tomorrow!

Until next time...

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