Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Little Merman

Today was a pretty low key day.  Drew slept until 10:30.  I’m pretty sure it’s because he was probably in his room playing all night.  When I went in to check on him at 8:30, all of the covers and pillows were on the floor and the blinds were completed pulled up.  Unfortunately, because I am crazy, I couldn’t sleep until 10:30 with him!  By the time he got his supplements and had to wait 30 minutes to eat, it was lunch time.  So we ate lunch and then headed to the pool for an hour before we had to leave for BB.  This is when he swam for the first time!!  I was so excited!  He was so funny, when I would tell him good job buddy he would reply thank you.  

We went to his afternoon session of B.  He got to be partners with our little friend Caiden that we met the first week we were here.   When we got home it was pretty cloudy so we had an early dinner and waited to see if the sun would come out.  It finally did so we went back to the pool.  It didn't stay out long and it started to rain while we were down there and he didn’t want to leave.  This is huge because he is scared to death of the rain.  It was a light rain but it was still rain and the sky was really gray!  He swam and swam for 2 ½ hours.  He went from beginning swimmer to dive master!  My heart was so happy watching him play in the pool.

Drew and Caiden reading books after their session

First Swim

Dive Master

This is one proud mama!

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

So far the only thing consistent about this blog, is that I’m inconsistent in updating it!  But that shouldn’t surprise anybody that knows me!  We are now officially half way thru with our 12 week program.  We only have 2 more days to finish this week, then next week is a short week here and long weekend at home (yay!) and then we will only have 4 weeks left!  I really can’t believe how fast this has gone.  This week has been a slow week of fun activities because Adeline has VBS until noon and Drew is doing 5 sessions this week.  We usually have Thursdays free and that’s when we go on our adventures.  Monday night Drew and I had dinner and hung out with our dear friends from Knoxville that are also doing BB with their son. We went bowling today.  The kids weren’t much into it like they were the first time.  Drew was more interested in the video games and poor Adeline was just wiped out from VBS.  At least I got to bowl.  I didn’t bowl the first time we went because I didn’t know how much I would be chasing Drew around with the arcade just outside the lanes.  I didn’t do too shabby considering it’s been a REALLY long time.  My high game was a 135.  That may be a little inflated thanks to the bumpers.  We had a lane that didn’t have the automatic bumpers.  The kids played a couple of video games, we got our 50₵ wings and went home.

His feet are facing the bowling lanes and he is staring at the arcade!

You may remember we took last week off from BB and stayed home for the week.  It was VBS at our church and it was also Abby’s birthday.  Well let me tell you, that week kicked our arses!  Saturday I helped Matt move some farm equipment between the barns. And not that this is related to BB but I saw a baby red fox hanging out beside the riding ring!  

Baby red fox

Sunday was Father’s Day and family fun night for VBS.  Sunday seemed to set the tone for the entire week.  The kids and I spent the entire day at church helping get ready for the kick off.  The theme was Jungle Safari so we had a petting zoo come set up in the parking lot.  They had miniature goats, full size goats, a donkey, some alpacas, a bird and a snake that gave me the heebie jeebies just being in the same parking lot!  Much to my surprise, Drew actually went inside the fenced off area WITH the animals!!  I couldn’t believe it.  AND he pet the donkey and brushed an alpaca!  AND he didn’t go running for the hills when he saw the bird.  He used to be scared to death of birds.  When my aunt was staying in an assisted living facility they had a bird off the lobby and it was everything I had just to get him to go inside the building.  Thank the good lord above he wasn’t interested in the snake!  A couple from our church also brought these really cool pedal karts for the kids to ride.  They are like go-karts only you pedal them.  Drew loved them!  

He was acting like he didn't feel good so his new friend Jessie was carrying around a bucket and he decided he would wear it on his head!
After that long day, Matt got an alarm call from work at 11pm.  We had just gone to bed about 20 minutes earlier.  He did not return home until after midnight TUESDAY!  He worked 25 hours!!  God love him.  Abby had a dentist appointment on Tuesday so we went straight to church after that and hung out so Matt could sleep.  I have to say I’m really impressed that he was not an ogre for the next couple of days.  

Wednesday was Abby’s 13th birthday.  Matt surprised her and came home for lunch and brought Chick-Fil-A.  Then we all went swimming for a little while.  I think she really enjoyed that.  She kept saying I wish daddy could come home for lunch every day.    Then I took her to the AT&T store so they could activate her new iPhone.  She had the guy at AT&T cracking up the whole time.  She was so excited about her phone that she couldn’t stop cutting up!  She was a riot!  He finally looks at me and says “You have your hands full don’t you?”  And I was like you have no idea!  Next up was VBS.  They sang happy birthday to Abby during the opening ceremonies.  I missed it because I was up in the kitchen helping get snacks ready…bummer!  Our sweet friends brought her a vanilla frapp from Starbucks and our children’s minister’s boys made her homemade handprint / footprint cards that were the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!
Birthday Swim
Abby's birthday cards

Abby had her birthday party Thursday night.  She had a couple of friends come over and spend the night.  My family came for dinner.  Abby’s favorite dinner is tacos so I made up a taco bar.  That day was crazy!  I went shopping for all of the food at 1pm.  Her friends were to arrive at 5pm and dinner was supposed to be ready at 6pm.  Don’t ask me how but I managed to pull off a pretty nice taco bar and it was ready by 6:30!  We had corn hole and four square set up outside.  It was a lot of fun.  I made the girls waffles, bacon and fruit for breakfast and they all got picked up around noon.  Abby told me that was one of her favorite birthday parties because they just got to hang out. 

Drew and Geoff

Corn Hole

Four Square

Taco Bar
On Sunday, Abby left for Passport Choices camp in NC for a week and Drew and I headed back to GA Monday morning.  I’ve missed having Abby here with me.

And now back to Drew
  • On Father’s Day, I whispered to Drew to tell his daddy Happy Father’s Day.  He turned to Matt and said Happy Father’s Day daddy!  In the past he would have whispered it, copying me.
  • During VBS he was sitting in the floor playing with Lightning McQueen.  Next time I look over at him there is a circle of boys around him and they are taking turns rolling Lightning McQueen to each other.  This is a pretty big deal that a) he let other kids touch his toy and b) he didn’t run away when they sat down with him!!
  • Taylor came over on Abby’s birthday while we were in the pool.  When she came up the driveway Abby said “There’s sissy.”  Drew said “That’s not sissy, that’s Taylor!”
  •  He really tried to play four square at Abby's birthday party.  He did pretty good too!
  • While we were swimming he sang the entire Happy Birthday song to Abby by himself clear as day.
  • Sunday while we were swimming I asked him to swim across the pool for me (all of 12’) and when he was done he stood up and said tada!!
  • I asked him to turn the TV down a couple times and I finally told him to turn it down or I was going to shut it off.  He looks at me and says “Are you serious?”
  • Saturday I had to take a sample to Children’s hospital.  While we were sitting at the light at the exit ramp he yells “baseball”.  Back in April, we went to a UT baseball game and took that exit to get there.  His memory is unbelievable. 
  • He played in a mud puddle at the playground!  I know this doesn’t seem like much but this is typical boy behavior.  Not something he normally does.
  • Today, Amanda and I took the kids to Once Upon a Child.  After bowling, Drew says “I want to go to Once Upon a Time house.  I didn’t even know he knew the name of the store! 
  • He continues to eat different things every once in a while.
It’s now 11:30pm and I’m exhausted so I’m going to wrap it up for now.

Until next time,

Abby was experimenting with watercolor pencils
Drew copied Abby and he wrote 2014
Sitting on Geoff's shoulders while they play Mario Kart
Playing in a mud puddle at the playground