Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's Fun to Have Fun But You Have to Know How

Today we went to the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta.  It was opening day for The Cat in the Hat.  This place was really neat.  It had a museum with lots of cool puppets.  Drew really did not like this part of the day.  It was a little scary and a little scary to most is really scary to him.  Once we made it through the museum there was a craft room where you could make your own puppet.  Today we made a shadow puppet of the fish from The Cat in the Hat.   Then we went into the theater for the show.  Drew was really stressed out about this.  He really doesn’t do well with what he doesn’t know.  For instance, yesterday he didn’t want to go bowling but he had a great time and then today he asked me a bunch of times to go bowling.  He enjoyed the puppet show once it started.  In usual Drew fashion, he was hilarious!  He quoted parts of the book as they were doing the show.  One time the Cat in the Hat bumped into the wall and he said “Are you okay Cat in the Hat?”  

After the show we went to Atlantic Station for lunch.  It’s really cool.  It kind of reminds me of Market Square in Knoxville only on a MUCH larger scale.  Then we walked over to Target because this kid can spot a Target from a mile away in ANY town!  We’ve been to 4 different Targets in GA!  Oy Vei!!  And of course if you’re in Target you have to get Starbucks!

On our way back to the apartment I said “Who wants to go swimming?”  Drew answered “Drew and Abby!”  So of course we went for a swim.  He was sitting on the side of the pool playing with a toy and I told him to get in the pool and swim it will make him strong.  He got back in the pool and played around with Abby and came up out of the water and said “I feel so strong” while showing off his muscles.  

We came back to the apartment when it started raining.  We had dinner, did exercises, baths and off to bed.  We are headed home tomorrow for 10 days!!  I can’t tell you how happy that makes me!!

I forgot to write about a care package Drew got in the mail yesterday.  Abby’s sweet guidance teacher, Ms. Tilley, at the middle school had the kids in Abby’s class make cards for Drew.  They were so sweet!  I am so thankful for all of the thoughtful people who have taken time out of their own busy schedules to think of our family!  We are so blessed!  And I am so thankful from the bottom of my heart!

Until next time,

See what I mean?  I little scary

Drew and Adeline are behind the screen with the shadow puppets

Playing with their shadow puppet

Fish shadow puppets they made

They brought their own Cat in the Hat
Drew's care package
Drew's care package
Drew's care package

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I finally got a chance to catch up on your posts. You guys have been busy! I love reading about Drew's progress. He is learning and growing so much. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. We are excited that you are coming home for 10 days straight! VBS will be so much fun. I can't wait to see how Drew does next week!
