Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Almost Intermission

Drew had a great day at his BB session on Friday.  He kept all of his stickers and got a star!!

This week marks the half-way point of Drew’s treatment.  After we finish on Friday, we will go home for a week to celebrate Abby’s birthday and participate in VBS at our church.  I’m really looking forward to having a whole 10 days at home.  We never have enough time on the weekends.  Between getting home and unpacking on Friday evening and then church and packing on Sunday it really only leaves us a day and a half.  We live on a mini farm and trying to take of that amid all of this has been a real challenge.  But this past weekend we managed to set up our little blow up pool.  Drew loves the water so much!  So does his sister for that matter.  Abby really misses her summer swim team.  

Yesterday we had our session at noon and then went to the playground for a picnic lunch with Adeline.  Despite the clouds it was H-O-T!!  That trip didn’t end so well however.  Drew threw up at the playground and then again when we got home.  This has been happening about every 7-10 days.  The events have been very random so there is no way to pinpoint what’s causing him to vomit.   His pediatrician thinks he may have gastritis and wants him to take Prilosec twice a day for the next 2 weeks.  We may run a stool panel to check for bacteria and nutrient absorption. 

Today we went for a swim before BB.  We were going to go back after we ate an early dinner but a thunderstorm rolled in.  

Tomorrow we are going to go release butterflies, have lunch and go bowling with Adeline. 

And now for the bullets:  :-)

  • On Thursday on the way home from the zoo, Drew and Adeline did the “cheers” clink with their water bottles in the car.  Sooo cute!
  • Friday morning Abby asked Drew what time it was and he said “Time to go to Target.”
  • Abby told Drew to come lay down with her and she told him the way to go to Target was to stop asking mommy all the time and when she was done trying to convince him to stop asking he jumped up, ran into the kitchen and said “Mommy I want to go to Target!” 
  • I made bacon and eggs for breakfast on Tuesday and I had to feed him the bacon to get him to eat it (he didn’t get that from me, I LOVE bacon!).  Friday morning I put his plate of eggs and bacon in front of him and the first thing he picked up was the bacon!  That’s my boy!!
  • Saturday he ate roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans.  Sunday he ate chicken salad.  Keep in mind he’s not volunteering to sit and eat.  I have to feed it to him to convince him that he likes it.  The last time I tried to get him to eat mashed potatoes he gagged, so at least that’s progress.
  • He has been identifying his smells correctly for about a week now.  He is doing it with picture assistance right now but in about a week, I’m going to take the pictures away. 
  • When he is at BB they put one of his smells on his right collar.  Friday I made him smell his shirt and I asked him what it smelled like.  He answered coffee, which was correct!
  • We filled our pool up on Saturday so it was FREEZING.  Matt was taking him time getting in.  He had one foot in and one foot out.  Drew told him to keep trying.  When he finally got both feet in, Drew said “Nice try daddy.”
 Well that's all for now. 

Until next time,

Friday's star

Stole his daddy's hat as soon as he came in the door

Going to help daddy feed the horses

Scuba Steve enjoying the pool despite the fact it was probably 60 degrees

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